
FAQs About Bicycle Accidents

Bicycling is fun, great exercise and ecologically friendly. Two or our lawyers, Mike Bersani and Lee Michaels, handle almost all our Syracuse and Central NY bicycle accident cases because they are avid bicyclists and know the rules and hazards bicyclists confront every day.

Why is Bicycling so Dangerous?

The problem is not bicycles per se, but rather traffic. Cars, trucks and the like are a lot bigger, faster and more powerful than light-weight bikes. Further, motorists tend not to see bicyclists. In fact, in most biking accidents, a motorist is to blame. According to the "Capital Times of Madison", Wisconsin (July 8, 1995), "Motorists failing to yield the right of way to a bike caused 42 percent of [their] accidents. Another 39 percent occurred because cars were making turns and didn't notice a bike."Bicyclists have rights! They have the same right to use the roadway as any other vehicle. Motorists must be alert to the presence of cyclists and drive responsibly.

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What Rules of the Road Must Bicyclists Follow?

First, there are common sense rules: Cyclists should not assume that the motorist has seen them. Cyclists should attempt to establish eye contact and adjust their activity in anticipation that the motorist is not aware of their presence. While bicyclists may complain that automobile drivers do not "see" them on the road, drivers complain that bicyclists ignore, whether deliberately or through ignorance, safety rules and state/local laws.

Second, there are formal rules of the road which a bicyclist must follow. As a bicyclist, you must know and follow the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law.. In other words, bicyclists are required to follow the same laws and rules of the road as motorists. These include riding on the right side of the road as well as obeying traffic signs and signals. Your local city or town may have additional bicylce rules.

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May Bicyclists Ride Side-by-Side on a Roadway?

Yes, two abreast on roadways, but when a vehicle is passing them, they must ride single file.

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Does the Law Require Me to Wear a Helmet?

Yes, if you are under 14 years old, but not if you are 14 or older. But everyone should wear a helmet because they reduce the risk of serious head injury. .

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What Other Vehicle & Traffic Laws Apply to Bicyclists?

Besides the general rules of the road, some rules apply strictly to bicyclists. A bicyclist must ride as close to the right side of the road as he safely can, and use the shoulder of the road if possible. A bicyclist must also use hand signals for turning. If a bicyclist listens to an audio device, he can only use one ear plug, never two.

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What Other Safety Tips do You Have for Me?

Our Michaels Bersani Kalabanka bike injury lawyers like to give safety talks in Syracuse and the surrounding New York State areas to young bicyclists. Here are a few of the things we tell them:

  • Remember to always follow the same rules of the road that a car does. If you do, motorists will see you more easily. Don't, for example, ride on the wrong side of the road, and don't disregard stop signs.
  • Assume motorists don't see you, and try to make sure they do see you. A motorist may be looking your way and still not see you.. Try to establish eye contact.
  • Wear bright colored clothing and add reflective material to them..

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Be safe on your bike! But if you are injured on your bicycle, contact us at Michaels Bersani Kalabanka for a free consultation.

Client Reviews
He is one of the top lawyers in central New York & has the accolades to show for this, but in my book he's the top lawyer in the country. I am honored to have had the opportunity to work with Mr. Bersani & to have had him on my team! Matthew
I admire the amount of background work he did which was instrumental in getting me a very good settlement. Also, having never been involved in a personal injury lawsuit, Michael was very patient explaining the legal issues. You're in good hands with Michael Bersani and the firm of Michaels Bersani Kalabanka. Richard
Dave took over my wrongful death case after it was badly messed up by another lawyer. He was dogged in his pursuit of all the information needed to make a solid case, and he succeeded in bringing it to a very satisfactory settlement. He was honest and straightforward, kind and compassionate through meetings, depositions, court appearances. I highly recommend him. Christine
Dave has handled our legal matters for over 20 years. Always there when we needed him. We were so happy with his professionalism and results that we referred him to several friends. If we ever need this type of service again, Dave will be the first and only call we make. Jackie
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